Love Tank

Y’all probably know by now that my husband and I recently moved into a new house. Generally, I would be publishing a book review for this blog post, but the packing, moving, unpacking, cleaning…well, it’s kept me busier than a one-armed paperhanger (as one of my colorful Southern characters might say). I’ve been reading Healing the Mountain Man’s Heart, Book …

A Daddy’s Love

There was a mystery about my dad I never uncovered. He was a quiet man who appeared emotionless, although I was told he struggled with a quick temper. Maybe the quiet was his way of dealing with personal demons. I’ll never know. Growing up, I had a healthy respect for him. Since he was 6’5” and 250 pounds, I would’ve …

My Husband is a Mary!

It was at the end of a Christmas celebration last month that it struck me—my husband is a Mary! We’ve been serving at a local church-on-the-street ministry for several years, and the pastor and his staff take every opportunity to show their appreciation. This Christmas party was one of those events. At the end of the evening, everyone was rallying …

Sold for a Song

Never in my life have I attended an estate sale. Even “garage sale-ing” (as my daughter calls it) hasn’t been part of my M.O. It’s not that I have anything against them, I’m just not a shopper by nature, unless I’m looking for something specific. Although, I do love a good deal. In fact, my sweet mother-in-law taught me an …

Quite a Day

It was only seven in the morning and already it had been quite a day. I sat on a stairway tread to await my ride to the airport, my heart beating a staccato, bum-bump, bum-bump, bum-bump. Rubbing my face, Anna Nalick’s voice singing the chorus, breathe, just breathe from her old song, “Breathe 2 am,” ran through my head. I …

A Cuppa Joe…And Then Some

Leiper’s Fork. Ever heard of it? Just the name draws me. Although we’ve now lived in the beautiful state of Tennessee for two years (landed at our new home on July 20, 2018), I’m embarrassed to say, we haven’t spent much time exploring. Last week I reminded Chris (not for the first time) that we vowed to spend one day …

Pixie Angel

His name was Michael. He was a unique looking boy with an overgrown crew cut, close-set eyes and crooked front teeth that made his quick smile appear pixyish. He was every bit as mischievous as he appeared, and he walked a fine line between good and bad. While I was finishing up my teaching credential, I substitute taught—and that’s where …

We Are Family

This has been a summer of family connection. A trip to Idaho in July (my paternal family) and this past week, another to Maine (my maternal family). I’ve traveled more to see family since my parents passed away than in all my adult years combined. Why is it that it often takes a great loss to realize the importance of …

Joanne Kraft

Let me introduce you to my friend, Joanne Kraft. This is one woman who never ceases to amaze me. When I first met her at the Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference in 2009, she was already widely published in parenting magazines. At that time, she was working on her first book—Just Too Busy: Taking a Radical Sabbatical. I think she’d be …

Stepping Out

Although many of my friends find it hard to believe, I’m an introvert by nature. I think most people don’t understand what constitutes introversion and extroversion. It’s not that an introvert sits huddled in a corner, unable to socialize and an extrovert is a party-hardy type. Rather, an introvert regains his/her energy by being alone while an extrovert is energized …