Baby Step Your Way to Faith


A Mexican Sunset

The only thing that makes getting up at 4:30 in the morning tolerable is knowing that, once I have my coffee in hand, I’ll be sitting down with Jesus. What started out as a push to make this ritual a habit soon became the highlight of my day. Of course, there have been seasons when this time is plagued by frustration because I don’t hear Him speaking to me, but more often than not, I’m inspired by what He shows me, even if it’s an area where I’m failing—or more accurately, where He wants me to experience growth. Such has been the case lately.

Chris and I are in a season of, what Priscilla Shirer calls in her study on Jonah, a life interrupted. She likes to use this equation:

Insignificant Person + Insignificant Task = Interruption

Significant Person + Significant Task = Divine Intervention

Understanding that a season of change (good or bad) is part of God’s plan for our lives makes the challenges we face much easier to bear. And no season is upon us without His authorship.

Even so, I tend to be a worrier. I play scenarios in my mind—try to figure out how we should respond in any given situation. It’s just my nature, right? There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m a thinker. An analyzer. Then I read the October 10th entry of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Trust me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them…when you project yourself into the future, rehearsing what you will do or say, you are seeking to be self-sufficient. This is a subtle sin.

I was struck by the truth of this. Do I lack faith? I think about Abraham prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, because God asked it of him. Abraham had the ultimate faith. He knew that God would redeem his sacrifice of obedience. And yet, I doubt that the outcome of any given situation will be a result of the same love, mercy and grace of our Creator. And why do I doubt? God has never forsaken me—never left me lacking. Whenever He’s taken me through a difficult season, He’s left me on the other end with abundant blessings—far more than I could have perceived for myself.

And in this present season, though the end is not yet at hand, He’s already shown Himself in a multitude of ways—ways that remind me of who He is. A God who puts relationship above the temporal. A God who allows us to see into the hearts of others, thereby lessening our own selfish tendencies. A God who wants so much more for us than we can imagine for ourselves.

So, what do I do with those meanderings into the present? I call a halt to them immediately, and give it up to God. Over and over and over again. I remember that He is in control of our lives, thereby in control of this situation. He already knows the outcome, and no amount of worrying and predicting on my end will change that. I remember reading somewhere that 90% of the things we worry about never take place. And of the 10% that will occur, we only  have control over about 2%. That’s 2% of the 10%. Such an infinitesimal number, it’s not worth the time or effort to even give it consideration.

Getting back to Abraham. I doubt many of us will ever face the painful struggle he did when walking in obedience to God. Maybe it’s the baby steps we take each day to obey and trust that will grow our faith to something great. Something that others will see and seek out for themselves as we shed light on the glory of Jesus Christ.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

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