Review of Christmas at the Jekyll Island Club

Rarely would I read a Christmas novella this time of year, but I was excited to delve into Christmas at the Jekyll Island Club. It’s book 10 in the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts series. Each book is written by a different author, and this one is by Blossom Turner.

Two reasons I broke my rule about reading Christmas books only during Christmas season—I happen to be a huge fan of Blossom Turner’s, and the book is set on an island in Georgia. I love anything Southern, and I’d never heard of Jekyll Island before. Now that I know a little about it, I will be putting it on my bucket list of places to visit.

This is an unlikely romance between spoiled socialite Savannah Ensworth and preacher Joseph Bennett. It all takes place at the Jekyll Island Millionaire’s Club where Savannah is with her parents for the winter season. She’s bored with her life and desires a purpose bigger than herself.

Joseph Bennett is one of those preachers who doesn’t shy away from sharing biblical truth—which isn’t popular among this rich crowd. At first, Savannah accuses him of speaking in riddles. What could he possibly mean by saying it’s easier for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle? And why does he insist on stirring up the crowd? Must he be so contentious?

But it isn’t only the Millionaire’s Club members who hold onto prejudices. Jonathon has a few of his own preconceived ideas about Savannah, and how she could never fit into his humble world. Little do they both know this beautiful and bored socialite has more inherently in common with Joseph than they could imagine.

As their story progresses, Turner does a wonderful job of weaving the gospel throughout the pages of this historical romance. I highly recommend reading this novella—and I wouldn’t wait for Christmas!

You can get your copy here. It’s available in ebook, paperback, and Kindle Unlimited. Want to know more about Blossom? Connect with her on her website, sign up for her newsletter, and check out her other books.

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