Feature Author Heidi Gray McGill

It is a pleasure and honor for me to introduce you to this month’s feature author, Heidi Gray McGill. What a joy it was getting to know her a little—and to discover we’re quite alike in our writing/publishing views. Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win her ebook copy of Matters of the Heart at the end of the interview.

I remember how scary it was to even consider writing as a career when I first started. I had (unrealistic) grand ideas. What advice would you give a new writer?

  1. Know Your Purpose. Authors should know their purpose for writing before they begin. Writing is my ministry, and it’s how I share Christ with those who may never pick up a Bible or step foot inside a church. I also write to encourage those in the Faith to live abundant lives—full of all God desires for us. Writing is also how I work through my heart’s questions and embrace God’s best for me.

Charles H. Spurgeon, in All of Grace, said it best. “Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began, and let the Lord be all in all to you.”

  1. Write for the right reasons. Having nothing to lose was a gift when I self-published my first book, and I knew my purpose was to glorify God. Whether five or five-thousand people read what I published didn’t matter.

Since there are no monetary aspirations and no grand ideas of being the next USA Today Best Seller, I can enjoy the ride. I can also separate myself from the negatives that sometimes threaten to overwhelm me. Holding my head high in accomplishing what God would have me do, helps when I read reviews that sting.

  1. Build friendships with like-minded authors. Surrounding myself with individuals who know my heart keeps me going. I may not have the cleanest manuscripts—too many POVs and more tell than show—but the message of Jesus Christ is evident. Those who understand my purpose of sharing the Gospel have come alongside me and helped me fix my newbie issues because they believe in me and champion the cause of sharing Christ through the lives of characters.

It seems you and I are on the same page when it comes to this ministry, Heidi. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

I discovered two things about myself while writing my books. The first is that I can actually write. Seriously, I nearly flunked English in college. I didn’t journal or even keep a diary. I wasn’t on the newspaper staff nor a member of the literary club at school. I didn’t even enjoy reading for pleasure until I was out of college. When it was time to write the first book, the words came.

The second thing I discovered is that I can actually share the Gospel. Growing up as a pastor’s daughter, I knew pat answers, but I was shy and didn’t have the Gift of Gab. I’m still not good at sharing my faith, but writing gives me a platform to do just that. I can take my time to find the scripture or the answers my characters need to hear as they encounter life.

That’s why God has gifted each of us differently. Can you share a snippet that isn’t in the blurb or excerpt of Matters of the Heart?

Editing out scenes is tough for me because I want to let readers know the backstory. When I have multiple paragraphs in a row without dialog, I know I need to make a change. This scene is technically still in the book but in a completely different format, where there is more action and dialog to engage the reader.

Air escaped Hans’s nose in a huff. He’d been a fool to request a non-combat unit. How could he abide by taking life, human or animal, even if it meant freeing the slaves? He did not know his request would place him in a position to choose if these men lived or died by his hand. His role was futile. Even if they survived, they would never be the same—neither would he.

How many lives had been lost in this war between states, friends, family? An image of his brothers flashed across his mind. Dried blood marked his face as he struggled to wipe the vision away. No word came from his three siblings. Johann and Otto had accepted orders to fight at the first opportunity. Gathering what guns, musket balls, and buckshot pellets they’d not needed to leave behind to keep the women safe on the farm in their absence, they’d gone for training before they had time for proper goodbyes.

The Union quickly found a place for Franc to serve as a cook. Hans felt the beginning of an unfamiliar laugh before it turned into a cynical smirk. If Franc hadn’t killed anyone with his biscuits, the Army had likely ordered him to make more so they could use them for ammunition.

I’m hooked! What was the inspiration for this book?

Before I was an author, I was the founder and director of an English as a Second Language ministry. The program touched the lives of students from 35 different countries. Regardless of culture, religion, language, or age, I found a substantial similarity in these students—they all wanted to improve their lot in life and that of their children.

Immigrants in the late 1800s were not much different from individuals I’ve had the privilege to know, and each came to find a better life in the greatest country in the world. Hans, Katie, and even Aideen are all compilations of my ESL students.

I love how the Lord uses the experiences in our lives (which He navigated) for our good and His glory, as He did with your experience with the ESL program. What would you like readers to take away from this story?

If we are confident of God’s love, provision, and direction in our lives, even when we cannot see Him at work, it is easier to trust Him. No matter the challenge or the situation, we can be certain God is always in control of our present and future circumstances.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Heidi. It was a pleasure getting to know you. I’m excited to read Matters of the Heart. Readers, you can connect with Heidi through her website where she has links to Facebook, Instagram, Bookbub, Goodreads, and Amazon. You can also follow her on All Author.

Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win the ebook copy of Matters of the Heart.

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