My Name is Gideon

Hello, my name is Gideon. I’m a doubter of the goodness of God, even when given evidence to the contrary—over and over again. He clearly tells me what path He wants me to take, and I question if I can truly trust Him. Somehow, I forget that what He calls me to isn’t based on my strength, but His. So, …

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

There are people, even Christians, who believe the Bible isn’t relative for us today. It’s a bunch of ancient writings that don’t pertain to our culture. And it’s true, our culture is far different than that in the Old Testament, but God isn’t. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Just because we justify some of our behaviors (sex before …

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I have a love/hate relationship with gardening—love the flowers, hate the weeds. I’ve made it my personal goal to eliminate those nasty invaders from our yard, not an easy task when living in the country. Weed eating has become one of my hobbies. I even asked Chris for a new weed eater as an anniversary gift a few years ago. …

What Do You Fear?

Generally, when I get up in the morning, the first thing I do (after downing my vitamins and collecting the coffee my husband’s brewed for me) is sit down with my Bible. For reasons I can’t name, today was different. I woke with anxiety in my heart and said a prayer for our country before my eyes were even open. …

The Big Three

  Romans 3:10 says, “As it is written: ‘There is none righteous, no, not one.’” I know I’m a sinner, but it’s not something I like to talk about. Who does? I blow it often enough that I don’t question the truth of it. However, there are times when I feel compelled (by the Holy Spirit, I’m sure) to take …

If God is Good Then Why?

One would be hard pressed to deny the existence of evil in our world. We hear about it every day on the news, see it in Internet headlines and some live with it daily. I will admit that while I live my little life, I’ve been insulated from this evil having much of an impact on me. So after the …