A Better Vision

IMG_5098 - Version 2My husband, Chris, turns 61 on Monday. He doesn’t look like a man in his 60’s, nor does he act like it. A lifestyle of healthy living has served him well. But it’s more than lifestyle that’s given him his youthful look—it’s attitude. Positive thinking, an optimistic outlook and a generous spirit seems to draw people to him. I know it did me.

And at a time when many people his age are looking toward retirement, Chris is seeking a life that brings deep meaning. Last year at this time, he was completing some classes so he could begin a new technique in his chiropractic practice. This has re-energized him for his 27-year career and has paved the way for a new vision—one that will allow him to serve more people in a field that has become a ministry for him. And isn’t that what we’re all called to do?

In our culture, seeking a lifestyle of comfort is the norm. Isn’t it the vision of many to retire at 60 and spend the “golden years” traveling or playing golf or whatever it is that one dreams of while slugging through 40 years of a nine-to-five work week. I realize not everyone gets their dream job—if one even knows what that might be. But the thought of living for the weekends and two weeks of vacation a year is…disheartening. Is that all there is to this life?

Years ago, when my children were young, I cleaned houses to supplement my ex-husband’s income. The money was pretty good, and it allowed me the flexibility to be home when my children got off of school. It wasn’t a terrible job, but I’d always dreamed of teaching, and this was so far removed from that vision—one I believed God put on my heart. When I made the decision to do something about that dream, God paved the way to make it happen. Years later, when I could no longer ignore the childhood dream to write, God made that happen, too.

I’m not saying it’s easy, but I know that it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t taken that first step of faith. If God’s laid a desire for something more on your heart, what’s stopping you from pursuing that desire? Money? Time? Opportunity? There are no hurdles in life bigger than our God. He desires more of us than resting in comfort, whether we’re in our 20’s or our 60’s. We aren’t useful in comfort, for we can’t grow there. And once we stop growing, we might as well be done!

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