How Does Your Garden Grow?

IMG_0560I have a love/hate relationship with gardening—love the flowers, hate the weeds. I’ve made it my personal goal to eliminate those nasty invaders from our yard, not an easy task when living in the country. Weed eating has become one of my hobbies. I even asked Chris for a new weed eater as an anniversary gift a few years ago. Crazy, huh? But there’s nothing more satisfying than the immediate gratification that comes from a manicured yard.

Last year, I tackled some of the immediate areas around our house. We had two dirt patches—or I should say weed patches, that I’d been meaning to attend to for some time. A pallet of flagstone, green sand and weed cloth cleaned it up nicely—which I blogged about in Easy Breezy Flagstone Patio Project. I figured weed cloth was the perfect anti-dote to weeds—blocks the sun and squelches the seeds. So, imagine my surprise when I discovered weeds popping up along with the spring weather.

Yesterday morning, as I was plucking out some of those nasty invaders, I realized (since their root systems were so shallow) that the weeds weren’t growing through the weed cloth, but in the sand, on top. However, if I didn’t pull them while they were still small, their roots could easily infiltrate the cloth and be much harder to eliminate.

Much like our sins.

Anyone who claims that, whether they’re walking with Jesus or not, they don’t sin, they are deceived. It’s our nature. As a pastor I admire once said, “We, as Christians, sin less, but we aren’t sinless.” But it’s where we allow that sin to take us that’s the real test of our walk—and it starts in our thoughts. I find that when I struggle with something, or more accurately someone, as is more often the case, I have a difficult time not thinking about it. Is it a sin to think about an issue? Of course not. But when those thoughts take precedence in my mind, I’m wallowing. If, instead, I hand it over to God, knowing that He has a perfect plan and purpose in the problem, it stops my thoughts from taking root. Because, once they take root, just like those pesky weeds, it becomes much more difficult to eliminate them. And like sins that take root, they can become so overwhelming, we give up. Why even bother when they’re just going to come back again.

I believe that’s true of any sin. And it doesn’t matter how much I think about a problem, it doesn’t change anything—except me. It robs me of peace and joy. It darkens every part of my life because it tarnishes my perspective. Instead of seeing things through the eyes of God, I’m seeing them through the eyes of a sinner. Is it easy to it give up to God? Of course not, especially for someone like me, who not only likes to be in control, but has a very strict view of right and wrong. So, easy? No. Imperative? Definitely.

We must be diligent to stay on top of the weeds. If I can spot them in my thinking and hand them over to my Creator, I have a clearer perspective—God’s perspective. It’s difficult for others to see God’s glory in us through a patch of ugly weeds.

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this, many become defiled.” Hebrews 12:14-15

Comments 2

  1. Jennie, as usual your take on things seems to be exactly what I need to hear that day. Thank you for being God’s voice! On a funny note, I just bought a new weed whacker yesterday as my old cheapie finally gave up the ghost. I hate those pesky weeds as much as you do, and although I don’t live in the country it is a constant battle to stay ahead of them. Your blog was a good reminder to not let the sin weeds take over too. Now I will think about that as I weed my yard each week! Love you!! Di (PS. I want to read Surrendered Hearts – did I remember that correctly?- as you grabbed me in the first couple of paragraphs! Love your writing!)

    1. Post

      So good to know that the words God puts on my heart resonate with you, Di. Thank you for your constant love and support–and always encouraging words. Can’t wait for you to read Surrendered Hearts–although I really need another title for it. Any suggestions?? Love you!

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