
Do you give much thought to being physically challenged? Maybe it’s just me, but there is something about pushing my body to its limits on occasion that reminds me of what I’m capable. Of course, the older I get the lower the bar. Did you know women start losing muscle mass in their 30’s? Inactive women lose 3-5% every decade. …

Sitting is Killing Me

For a lot of us, sitting is an occupational hazard–and I do mean hazard. More and more research is coming out about the health risks of sitting for extended periods of time. When I was raising my kids, this wasn’t an issue. When I worked at my own housecleaning business, this wasn’t an issue. When I taught school… You get the point. …

Keep an Open Mind

I have an aversion to needles. And really, who doesn’t? But when faced with a chronic issue, it’s amazing the lengths one’s willing to go in order to achieve relief. I’m not talking shots, I’m talking acupuncture. In the past, the thought of acupuncture was enough to send chills down my spine. Not just one needle, but lots of needles. …

Get Moving!

Tis the season! I figure the best time to remind my readers about the benefits of daily exercise is right before we start packing on the holiday pounds. Okay, that may be a little exaggerated. The average American only gains 1-2 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Doesn’t sound like much, does it? However, it’s not all about the weight …

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

I can’t sleep. Again. I’m writing this post at 3:30 in the morning after spending hours tossing and turning. There always seems to be a reason—last night it was the wind playing a concert through the wind chimes hanging a mere ten feet from my head. Sometimes it’s a restless Einstein (the dog, not the scientist), my husband’s snoring, or …

Are You Slowly Killing Yourself?

When I was teaching, I rarely had back issues aside from the occasional flare up from lifting weights. There was no tightness nor were there pangs of discomfort. Then I started writing full time and things changed. Tightness in my lower back made it difficult to climb out of bed at times and I wondered how I would fare in …